Fossil Free Cambridgeshire


Climate Change

Clearer - Make a difference with the facts about climate change - A Met Office Booklet on Climate Change

RealClimate - Commentary on climate science news by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.

Climate Home News

Climate Change A Risk Assessment - A Briefing for Policy Makers

Climate Change Synthesis Report 2014 - A Summary for Policy Makers

Lancet Commission on Climate Change and Health 2015

Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK 2012

Stranded Assets and Divestment

The geographical distribution of fossil fuel unused when limiting global warming to 2°C

Article on Bank of England recognition of risk of stranded assets (2015)

Stranded Assets and the Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign. University of Oxford Stranded Assets Programme (2013)

Law Commission Review of Fiduciary Duty (2014)

Unhealthy Investments (2015) – Report by health professionals in support of divestment

The Guardian's ‘Beginner’s Guide to Fossil Fuel Divestment’

Other Links

News of Oxford City Council's Divestment Commitment

News of Bristol City Council's Divestment Commitment

List of those Already Committed to Divestment Globally

The Guardian's divestment campaign

Positive Investment Cambridge

Carbon Underground 200 project by Fossil Free Indexes identifies top 200 fossil fuel companies